Empowering student knowledge

Students will be provided opportunities to apply in-classroom knowledge outside the classroom via participating in fun competitions

Our Mission

Results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2022 Report Card showed the largest score declines in mathematics at grades 4 and 8 since initial assessments in 1990,  providing new evidence of the pandemic’s disruptive impact on student learning and reinforcing calls for extra help for students who have fallen behind.  Our mission is to step up to relieve this situation by supporting classroom learning and improving students’ math achievements in school. Students will be provided opportunities to apply in-classroom knowledge outside the classroom via participating in fun competitions.

This process will strengthen knowledge they learn from the classroom and enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. With the groundwork we help students build today, they will be able to brace for higher challenges and access more advanced opportunities tomorrow.

Math competitions
We are a group of students from high schools in North Bay area. We are very passionate about math. Our goal is to promote love and achievement in math for students from all levels of math skills. We believe math competition in team format would be a fun and engaging way to achieve this goal.

The Identities Math4Everyone Have.


We Featured at:

Sonoma County teens organize math tournament to help middle schoolers catch up after pandemic

Four 15-year-olds teamed up to teach math by bringing out the competitive spirit in middle schoolers at The Healdsburg School.

When Barry Liu read a newspaper article about the pandemic’s effect on middle school math scores, the Windsor 15-year-old had an idea. Read More

Mateo De La Cruz, right, Nolan Brenner, and Lilian Campbell compete in a math tournament put on by Math4Everyone in Healdsburg, Sunday, April 30, 2023. (Christopher Chung / The Press Democrat)
Misty Miller, left, and Nolan Brenner react to a teammate’s answer during a math tournament hosted by Math4Everyone in Healdsburg, Sunday, April 30, 2023. (Christopher Chung / The Press Democrat)
Barry Liu, 15, founder of Math4Everyone, asks questions during a math tournament for middle schoolers in Healdsburg, Sunday, April 30, 2023. (Christopher Chung / The Press Democrat)
Mateo De La Cruz, right, Nolan Brenner, and Lilian Campbell compete in a math tournament put on by Math4Everyone in Healdsburg on Sunday, April 30, 2023. (Christopher Chung/The Press Democrat)
Nolan Brenner, right, Misty Miller, and Jaelyn Ventura try to come up with an answer to a question during a math tournament held by Math4Everyone in Healdsburg on Sunday, April 30, 2023. (Christopher Chung/The Press Democrat)
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A Glimpse Into Our Classroom

Our Education Programs


Information For

We hold weekly coaching sessions in person. The coaching focuses on encouraging hands-on learning and peer collaboration.


Join The

Students with all math levels are welcome to join the league. Practices and competition questions are carefully designed to meet the development needs of students with various math skills.


Development Of

The main purpose of the league is not to select top math students, but instead, to inspire love and passion for math in every young student. Meanwhile, we will also be happy to provide support for students who’d like to pursue further from this league.

Fun facts about our school and culture

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Years of Experienced

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Students Empowered

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Teachers Empowered

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0 K+

Teachers Empowered

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Consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel augue ac odio pharetra blandit et et turpis. Maecenas bibendum vulputate augue.

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Albert Einstein -

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.

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